January Newsletter: When to Let Your Puppy Go Outside During Winter
When to Let Your Puppy Go Outside During Winter
Watching your puppy explore the great outdoors is one of the joys of welcoming a new pet to your home. But is it a good idea to let your puppy out on cold or snowy days? The answer depends on your puppy's age, breed, and vaccination status, in addition to weather conditions.
Keep These Things in Mind Before Taking Your Puppy Outside
Age. Puppies feel the cold more acutely than older dogs and can quickly develop hypothermia or frostbite. Young dogs have less body fat than older dogs and may have trouble regulating their body temperatures. It's best to wait until your puppy is at least 8 weeks old before taking it outdoors on a mild winter day.
Coat. Dogs with thicker coats can handle the cold better than dogs with thinner coats. If your puppy has a thick coat, it's a good idea to follow general cold weather recommendations for puppies. Despite the thicker coat, your puppy may still struggle with temperature regulation on cold days.
Vaccination Status. Although your puppy can go outside when it's 8 weeks old, it must avoid other dogs or areas where other dogs might have been. Puppies aren't fully vaccinated until 16 or 17 weeks and shouldn't be around other dogs until two weeks after immunization. As it's impossible to tell which dogs are vaccinated, this important precaution will protect your puppy from developing diseases that can threaten its health, like canine distemper or rabies. Your puppy can play outside in your backyard, as long as other dogs can't access the yard or the yard is only used by your fully vaccinated older dogs.
Weather Conditions. Keep your puppy inside if you look out the window and see heavy snow, sleet, freezing rain, or strong winds. Even slightly windy or rainy winter days can be challenging for young dogs. Exposure to wind or moisture can make your pet feel colder faster.
How Cold Is Too Cold for Puppies?
PetMD advises that some dogs will start to feel cold when the temperature drops below 45°F and notes that temperatures under 32°F could be dangerous for young dogs. Spending even a few minutes in very cold weather could cause hypothermia, which occurs when your puppy's body temperature becomes too low.
According to the American Kennel Club, mild hypothermia occurs when your dog's body temperature drops between 90 and 99°F, while severe hypothermia happens if the body temperature drops to 82°F. Purina notes that the average normal temperature varies depending on the age of your puppy but may range from 99.5 to 102.5°F.
Pay attention to your puppy's behavior during trips outdoors. If your pet is shivering, breathing rapidly, or seems lethargic, bring it inside immediately.
Cold Weather Tips for Puppies
Help your puppy enjoy winter weather by:
Buying a Coat or Sweater. A coat or sweater will help keep your puppy warmer in cold conditions, although you should still follow general weather recommendations for puppies. Coats with a waterproof layer over an inner fleece layer are ideal for cold winter days. During milder winter weather, your puppy may only need a sweater.
Using Boots. Boots protect your puppy's paws from ice, snow, sleet, sharp objects, and irritating rock salt. Outfitting your pet with boots also provides extra traction and reduces the risk of slipping.
Supervising Outdoor Time. Don't leave your puppy alone for even a few minutes during cold weather. It's easy to lose track of time if you dash into the house to make a phone call or empty the dishwasher.
Housetraining Inside During Severe Weather. There's no need to rush the housetraining process during severe winter weather. Puppy training pads can be used until it's warm enough to go outdoors. If your puppy already eliminates outside, clear ice and snow from the preferred spot before potty breaks.
Has your new puppy met the veterinarian yet? Veterinary care helps you keep your furry friend healthy from puppyhood through adulthood. Get in touch with our office to schedule a convenient appointment for your puppy.
American Kennel Club: Hypothermia in Dogs: How Cold Is Too Cold, 1/31/2023
PetMD: How Cold Is Too Cold for Your Dog?, 1/1/2024
American Kennel Club: How Long Can You Keep Your Dog Outside?, 7/31/2024
American Veterinary Medical Association: Cold Weather Animal Safety
North Shore Animal League: Winter Safety Tips to Keep Man’s Best Friend Safe and Warm
Purina: 6 Winter Safety Tips for Dogs in the Snow, 9/30/2024
Purina: Normal Puppy Temperature: How Do I Know if My Puppy Has a Fever, 9/30/2024