Lemonade out of Lemons
I'm always trying to produce content that is needed and helpful. Lately I've been doing a lot of "Day Training" here at my home. There have been some surprises to this new way of doing things that I never anticipated or gave much thought. I wanted to share those with you, and a few videos that I've produced that can be beneficial for any dog.
🐩What is Day Training: Day Training is a service I provide in which I train your dog for you. Many times we have a list of goals we're trying to reach and other times I get to have "artistic freedom" with the dog.
🤔When I started this business, almost 9 years ago, I used to think that a service like that wasn't good because the "owner needed to know how to train their dog."
❤️A few years later I realized that most people love their dogs very much, they just don't have the desire to be a dog trainer. They have their own lives and interests and training their dog isn't one of them. (Kind of like me and cooking....people are assured that if I just did it more I'd learn to like it....I know that is so far from true.)
🏠Before COVID I used to do Day Training in the dogs home. 90% of the time the owners weren't present for those sessions. While it was good, I never thought that training here at my home could be better.
✨Just like the thought about me training the dog for the owner has since been proven wrong, the way that I provide the service has also been proven wrong. I had thoughts that the dog needed to learn the skill in their own home in order to provide lasting change. I had thoughts that doing the training in a 'training facility' couldn't provide the dog with the skills necessary for permanent behavior modification. I had thoughts that no one would be willing to drive to me so I could provide an hour of training for their dog. I was wrong!
Day Training here at my home has been AMAZING!! Quite literally beyond my wildest dreams. Humor me and let me tell you some of the ways it has improved the experience I'm able to give to you:
1. All of the things I need for effective training are right here. (My car can only hold so much.)
2. The environment is perfect for learning. No distractions or interruptions.
3. I have access to a bathroom whenever I need it. 😂 (Seriously, I always feel weird using someone else's bathroom, especially when they aren't home.)
4. I can see more patients because I don't have the drive time in between cases.
5. I am easily able to teach twice as many skills this way! (Yes, you heard that right! I literally NEVER thought that would be true.)
6. I never thought any of you would drive here so I could train your dog. (This has taught me what grateful really is. Seriously, you guys really drive all the way to Bremen for me to train your dog.)
7. I am able to provide you with more training videos. The training videos improving your success rate because they are always available to you to watch and rewatch, or share on social media to brag about all the cool things your dog can now do!
There is only 1 thing left to do.....SHOW YOU!
Check out these videos below:
At Home Obstacle Training - a great way to build confidence, mentally enrich and exercise your dog.
Chase Toy Training - a skill that provides a lot of energy burn for the dog and not as much for the human. It's also a great way to build drive and desire for the dog, paired with the ability to learn impulse control. (You can purchase one of these Chase Toys from me, including a written training plan, for $35.)
Interactive Feeding and Enrichment - although this video showcases a puppy, the information in this video can be used with any dog from puppies to old dogs.
Swim Lessons - a great summer activity for every age and breed. I'm lucky enough to live on the sandy side of the lake so wading in with your dog is totally welcomed. (Swim lessons are $25 for the hour which includes a rinse off and towel dry before going home.)